September 2023

September was spent playing tour guide (again) to more North Island visitors.

A day trip over to Akaroa, a wander around the city, and on to the stunning spring gardens at Mona Vale. 

A month of lots of people and happy times, but not much photography. Apart from a trip at the very beginning of the month to the Karamea area. I have included a picture from the beautiful Nikau forest at the end of the Heaphy Track in my latest releases.  Watch this space for photos from that part of the world!

I timed the Cherry blossom on Harper Ave badly, and completely missed them! And the Daffodil woods in Hagley Park… but there is always next year.

My favourite image of this release is “The Calming Forest”. Taken late last year on a trip to Fiordland, I just love the way the light is playing on the trees and their shapes, and wondering just where is that bridge going? Thanks to Google Earth, it’s going over from the lower Hollyford Road, to the Moraine Creek track.  

It is so difficult to pick a favourite out of this release, as each picture tells a different story, and conjures up memories of the people I was with, and how lucky I was to be there, surrounded by the stunning scenery we have in New Zealand.

I’d love you to follow along on my adventures – check on my Facebook and Instagram pages.

All photographs are available to purchase.

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